2023-07-03 Green office et uliège durable ©S.Seyen00092

Would you like to better understand the causes and consequences of climate change? A team of facilitators from ULiège is offering a 3-hour collaborative workshop to help you better understand the various components of climate disruption and its systemic dimension.

The workshop has real educational value and is based on the most rigorous scientific knowledge, according to the latest reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

How is the workshop going? Who are the facilitators? Upcoming dates


Find out more about the Climate Fresco

A Green Office animation in collaboration with various ULiège actors: Geography department of the Faculty of Sciences, HEC Liège, VentureLab, Réjouisciences, le Réseau des Doctorants, Eclosio.

updated on 1/8/24

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