Sustainable campus projects

Cork collection: 58,500 thanks!


Between November 2021 and May 2022, the students of the Green Office invited the Uliège Community to bring back their bottle caps to different collection points on campus. These have been donated to the non-profit organization Notre Village which hires people with disabilities to sort the corks; they are then sold for recycling. The money from the sales helps finance the activities of the village and its residents.

On May 24, 2022, 85 kg of plastic corks and 98 kg of corks were donated to the non-profit organization Notre Village, which represents approximately 58,500 corks!

The students of the Green Office and Notre Village asbl say"Thank you" for your precious collaboration!

This project is linked to theODD 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities). The interest of this collection is on the one hand to support a social project, by providing work to people with disabilities. On the other hand, the project allows to contribute to the recycling of the caps of the members of the university.

ODD 11 : Villes et communautés durables
Faire en sorte que les villes et les établissements humains soient ouverts à tous, sûrs, résilients et durables Le onzième objectif vise à réhabiliter et à planifier les villes, ou tout autre établissement humain, de manière à ce qu’elles puissent offrir à tous des opportunités d’emploi, un accès aux services de base, à l’énergie, au logement, au transport, espaces publics verts et autres, tout en améliorant l’utilisation des ressources et réduisant leurs impacts environnementaux.

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